Monoprint Demonstration For IGCSE Pupils on 9th February, 2017

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On the 8th of January, Commander Mohan, a retired Indian Navy officer was invited to GDGWS to address the IGCSE On the 9th of February, the Grade 9 pupils of the Visual Arts Activity class were shown a demonstration of a simple way of making mono prints. This technique allows only one print to be pulled off the inked surface.

First of all a layer of black printing ink was rolled on an acrylic sheet. A paper frame was placed over it. With the help of a stick or toothpick a design was scratched through the layer of exposed ink. Next, a clean white sheet of A4 paper was place on top of the inked surface. This was patted down and the edges were smoothed out. A clean hand roller was used to help transfer the ink on to the paper. A spoon was used to further burnish the print from the back. The print was then pulled off the inked acrylic sheet.

Although time constraints were there but the students who made their own mono prints learnt a new technique and had fun doing so.

T. Chatterji
VA Activity, IGCSE