Opening Ceremony MUN

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The energy in the room was electrifying, one could almost smell the anticipation in these halls as the delegates eagerly waited for the ,commencement of the MUN.

The opening ceremony of as mesmerizing as it could be, befitting the grand GDGMUN. The enthralling event  started off with an encouraging address by the Director Principal, Dr. Neeta Bali. Our Director Principal’s speech was addressed to all the delegates, not only urging them to perform at the best of their abilities and enjoy the festivities around them, but also gave a riveting discourse on cause and effect. Her speech greatly moved the audience and laid a zestful foundation for the next three days.

Next up was a adorable dance performance by the talented little PYP students of GDGWS! Through their dance they showcased intercultural collaboration which coincides with the ideals of Model United Nations.

It was a pleasure to have the Chief Guest, Dr. Jitendra Nath Misra, who addressed the congregation. He spoke of relevant and relatable concepts and ideas – such as the positive connotations of “disruption” and how in order to bring a change we must do things differently. He quoted from famous leaders in their respective fields such as  Albert Einstein “If you want different results, do not do the same things” & Gandhi “ The change is me”. He tactfully presented a dynamic ideology, which could help the delegates in the conference and outside of it as well.

The President of GDG MUN, Yuvraj Chadha came up on the stage to introduce the different committee heads, he also spoke of how important MUNs really are, especially this one. The committees and their agendas were as follows –

  • UNGA (DISEC): Assessing threats of nuclear weapons with special
    emphasis on the Asian continent.
  • UNHRC: Protection of the rights of cultural, linguistic and religious
    minorities and the indigenous people
  • UNCSW: 1. Advancing economic parity for women
    •       2. Addressing gender-based violence in emergencies and post-disaster recovery.
  • Historic UNSC: Rwandan Genocide
  • African Union: 1. Evaluating the Belt and Road initiative
    2. Discussing the independence of Somaliland
  • Harry Potter: Discussing the rise of Dark forces in the wizarding world
  • Kim Jong-Un’s Cabinet: CLASSIFIED
  • AIPPM: 1. Article 370
    •     2. Article 35(A)
  • UEFA: 1. Discussing racism, sexism, and homophobia in football.
    •   2. Reviewing and reforming the procedures of the transfer
  • Open Forum on Education: Evaluating the Indian Education System

To enlighten the mood, before commencing the grand event, we had Priyam Sharma, Secretary General of GDGMUN, who gave a captivating speech about the magnitude of hard work and dedication that had gone into the organization of the event. She kept it dynamic and lively with a hint of comedy to uplift the spirits of the delegates. It was a perfect beginning of the GDGMUN 2019.