Organic Farming

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The last two years have been very tough on everybody, mainly due to the intense pressure exerted on students during online school. For this semester for CAS, organic farming has turned out to be a quite refreshing experience, especially when compared to the dull and unexciting ordeal that was online school. It is a fresh, new, and unique activity, and really helps students who have sat at home for two years to revert back to how life was before the COVID-19 virus.
Being an outdoor activity, the first few lessons for organic farming have been very different. Venturing out into the fields behind the university really helped many students gain various new insights. In addition, the activity itself has sparked innovation and has genuinely engaged many students.
Team of Goenkans- Keshav, Shauraya, Daksh, Nakul, Swayam, Aditya, Noor, Aaliyah, Ahra, Kkrriishh, Dhruv, Aadyaa, Ruhaan.
Way to go!