admin News & Events

“ Together may we give our children the roots to grow and wings to fly.”

GD Goenka World School, organized an Orientation Programme for the parents of new admissions on 6th of April,2019, with an objective to familiarize them with the vision, mission and policies of our school. The programme commenced with a warm welcome to the parents followed by the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. The School Director Principal, Dr Neeta Bali, in her welcome speech, laid stress on effective communication between the parent community and the school . She also proposed different measures to nurture children so as to craft a strong footing for their glorious future. DHM,Ms Bhatt , spoke of clubs and activities .Furthermore, she also requested their whole hearted support so that each student under our care could be provided holistic education. Later, the parents were welcomed to clarify any doubts burgeoning in their hearts during the candid question answer round.

The orientation programme ended on a good note with an aim of cultivating our children into blissful, proficient and ingeniously well-attuned citizens. Overall, it was a productive session with an aspiration to stride towards a strong partnership. We applaud and wish the parents and their wards a prosperous and a rewarding year ahead! It is aptly expressed in the quotes given below: