Our interact club-International Cultural exchange Program

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One more initiative by our interact club-International Cultural exchange Program

We are proud to announce that our Interact Club is collaborating with a school in Italy on a cultural exchange programme. The school “Ilippo De Cecco”
is a 5-year secondary school of Hospitality based in Pescara, one of the biggest schools in the Region Abruzzo (center of Italy). A virtual meeting was held between Ms. Alessandra Di Pietro (Principal of IPSSEOAF.DE CECCO),
Rtn Carla Moschetta(Rotary e- club of connect),Rtn Rossella Ciccone (Rotaract Pescara) ,Olga Di Maso (Project coordinator from Italy) ,Dr Neeta Bali (Director-Principal of GDGWS),Ms Shahnaz Banoo Butt (Deputy Head and Interact Club Incharge at GDGWS) and Ms Anshul Shirivastava (GDGWS Interact club Mentor) to finalise the schedule of the project.
The exchange programme will run for seven weeks starting from Monday March 22, 2021 to Friday May 7, 2021.
During the period of the programme, the students of both schools will interact with each other online and share information about themselves, their countries, cultures especially their food cultures. The students will learn from each other about their recipes and also learn about each other’s language. We wish students participating from both schools an enjoyable learning experience!
#interactclub #rotaryinternational #internationalexchange