News & Events

News & Events

A GP, Library and IT Inter-disciplinary Class was held in the IT Lab when the students of 8B researched on Read more
Dieu ne pouvait pas être partout, et c'est pourquoi il a créé les mères. - Rudyard Kipling Its truly said Read more
Treasure Hunt German activity was organized for Grade 8 students. They were supposed to find the objects in German, which Read more
PYP Student's reveled in the celebration of Mother's Day as the school organized a fun filled day for the young Read more
“Great minds think alike and beautiful souls always come together." French students of Grade 8 proved the above saying and Read more
The Graduation Day Function for students of GDGWS was covered by Hindustan Times today (23rd May 2018). The occasion was Read more
A boutonniere of engaging and interesting activities were organized during ‘English Week’ to help our students deepen their understanding of Read more
”Dios no podía estar en todos parts por eso creó a last madres” God can not be in every part, Read more
GDGWS wishes heartiest congratulations on the excellent performance of students in the IGCSE March 2018 result. This was only possible due to hard work Read more
Poster Making
Earth Day is a global event to make a commitment to learn more about the environment and demonstrate how you Read more