PYP Exhibition and SLC held on 05 Feb, 2011

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The Annual PYP Exhibition was held on 5thFebruary, 2011 amid much fan fare. It was enthusiastically put up by the students of Nursery –Grade II. The work that these little hands did all through the year was displayed colorfully in the courtyard.

The children of Grade Nursery to grade II explained their learning of each Unit enthusiastically and the parents were very impressed by the confidence with which they spoke about each topic. The parents took a keen interest in the displays and interactive games put up by the children. Nursery sang rhymes much to the glee of the parents and visitors. A shopping cart was set up from where visitors could do mock-shopping with mock-money and hand-made bags. A giant story-book was created which contained stories and puppets made by the children. Interactive games related to English, Hindi and Maths were put up which involved the visitors’ participation.

On the same day, the PYP upper wing housing grades 3 to 5 bustled with the excitement of hosting the “Student Led Conference”. The purpose of the conference was to have each student lead their parents through their classroom and other centers of school activities, and talk to them in detail about their learning throughout the year. The classrooms were prepared with the help of PYP teachers and students themselves, and showcased board displays, models, games, activities, and samples of student submissions.

The upper wing courtyard was set up impressively for the exhibits of student artwork, while the central courtyard housed the Leap Start physical fitness activities.

On the whole, the show was a great success and the parents commented on each bit of work and praised the efforts of the children and students. They went back highly satisfied.