PYP Spectrum

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‘PYP spectrum’- the exhibition, held on Saturday, March 17, 2012, was an extravaganza marking the culmination of Primary Years Program. It was a panorama of works put up by students of grade 5 before graduating to Middle School.

Attuned to the unit of inquiry- ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ the exhibition elucidated the parents, the various facets of the 3Rs. It was an enriching experience for all present and enlightened them on how effective management of resources can create a sustainable environment and has a positive impact on our lives.

The exhibition was a testimonial of great teamwork. Having worked for four months, under the esteemed guidance of their mentors, the students took various initiatives viz-a-viz: cleanliness drive, debates, talk shows and awareness campaigns. The students demonstrated their acting skills through a ‘nukkad natak’ on saving plastic and water, which left the audience spellbound and all praises for the budding actors.Another highlight of the spectrum was a puppet show that depicted the change in use of resources form past to present, which was an eye-opener for most of us. The students also put up a stall of the goods they prepared from waste material in the class, indicative of their incredible creativity.

It was a stupendous show which was applauded by one and all.