Reading…..a life long journey! International School Library month October 2012

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This year we tried to portray different colours on the canvas of International School Library month, October 2012.

Students of different age groups worked on projects like: 

Reading and making posters on Indian folk tales and sharing with schools in Brazil and Scotland.

Research Charles Dickens life and works, put up assemblies, create posters and Book marks and exchange with students of other countries and  share photographs with other schools in India and Sri Lanka.(Celebration of Dickens 2012 international project)

Making of Book Marks on endangered species of India and exchange with schools in Scotland, Portugal, USA.

Our Middle and IGCSE students, learning German will make and exchange Book Marks and some other items with a school in Croatia.

An exhibition on "Story of writing…from tablet to tablet and beyond!!" had been put up on Oct. 16-17 for which students have written very encouraging reflections which are worth reading. International community has sent wonderful remarks on the content of the exhibition and also shared calligraphy pictures and some special cases with us from Brazil, Australia and USA.

The activities are in progression such as tomorrow (Oct. 19th) we are starting our Skype project sharing ‘Folk Tales’ with a school in China (Yew Chung International School). Our Vth graders will speak to students of a school in China and show posters and tell a folk tale which they have read and exchange with a folk tale from China. This  project is scheduled to happen with schools from Portugal, Trinidad and Romania in this month itself.