SanRakshan – A GDGWS student led SR (Social-Responsibility) initiative

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Students of GDGWS take great pride and interest in fulfilling their social responsibilities. “SanRaksan” is a GDGWS student-led SR (Social-Responsibility) initiative, in which, every year students take on a welfare project especially focussed on environmental stewardship for experiential learning. This year as the students were already involved in a Project Based Learning (PBL) project on “Fresh water” with GCEI, they decided to have a series of events in SanRakshan 2021 to spread awareness on “Depletion of ground water in and around Aravalli Ranges”.

As a part of SanRakshan 2021, today on 27th November 2021, students organized a SanRakshan Webinar with the “Waterman of India”, Mr. Rajendra Singh – a world-renowned Indian environmentalist who won the Magsaysay Award in 2001 and Stockholm Water Prize in 2015, also known as the Nobel Prize for water, for his water conservation activities. His organization Tarun Bharat Sangh of Alwar is well-known for its work on reviving traditions of water harvesting. Mr. Rajendra Singh enlightened the parents and students about the water crisis in India, especially the north-west part of the country.  He inspired the audience with his story of water harvesting and ground water recharge in the Alwar region . We are very grateful to him for sparing some time for our parent-students and motivating them with his own journey of water conservation.