The mission of the G. D.Goenka World School library is to give a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits. For the celebration of “Chill with Mr. Will” an introductory learning program of William Shakespeare, on 8th April 2015. 5th & 8th graders had an enthusiastic and interesting Skype session with Ms. Larisa Villar Hauser, children author from United Kingdom in the assembly hall. During her talk she discussed about various plays and characters of great William Shakespeare. Her talk gave immense pleasure to pupils and they showed their interest in reading Shakespeare’s plays. At the very early age of 10yrs and 13 yrs pupils have got inspiration of reading after author’s talk. Session ended with questions included “reading like a writer”, “learning to identify” and “analyze decisions authors make and why they make them as well” and on the life of Shakespeare and Globe theatre.