Smoking and its ill effects – Guest speaker Dr. Ali Zamir Khan

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We at GDGWS have a tradition of calling guest speakers to address our young audience on various issues related to their lives. Keeping this in mind,we had Dr. Ali Zamir Khan ,an expert on procedures like robotic lobectomy , robotic thymectomy, robotic resection of mediastinal tumors, robotic resection of thoracic outlet tumor, robotic resection of lung metastases etc. Dr. Ali Zamir Khan started the Robotic Thoracic Surgery Program in India at Medanta-The Medicity.

He addressed our students on Smoking and Drugs .He shared with them the consequences of smoking and the effects of drug addiction .The students were quite amazed to learn how our body reacts to such bad habits. The presentation given by Dr.Khan left a great impact on our young minds .They seemed to be ready to say a big no to all such things in their lives. It was a great session.