Students at G D Goenka World Scchool show their artistic initiative through Digital Art.

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G D Goenka World School-Gyana Mishra of grade 6 displays her artistic initiative through Digital Art.

Digital Art is when an artist incorporates components of new technology into their art. By combining art and technology the artists have found a new medium for their creativity , a new avenue to express their feelings. Digital art can be created entirely digitally, so on a computer, or it could be hand drawn images scanned into a computer and enhanced using a software program like Adobe illustrator, Procreate, Ibis Paint etc. Instead of using paper and pencil, these programs can be accessed on an ipad or tablet and a mouse or a stylus can be used to draw. With the never ending advancements in technology, digital art can provide endless possibilities for an artist. Continue to explore creatively, Gyana!