‘Take It Up’ For ‘The Earth Day’

admin News & Events


‘TAKE IT UP’ was our mission to spread awareness and to celebrate ‘EARTH DAY’

100% participation was our intention, which we nearly achieved and made it happen.

We wanted support of the Teachers and the staff, which was accomplished by ‘US’ as the representatives of the school team.

The Students were asked to create on a specific environmental issue or topic they felt passionate about.

In which they could create any form of visuals, like Power Point Presentations, Brochures, Posters, Leaflets etc. to spread Earth Day Awareness, which was ‘ON’ the 22nd of April 2012.

The incentives were to give the winning candidates Big Arty Batches saying ‘Eco-Fabulous’, Winner’s Certificate and a Book.


The Coordinators and the Form Tutors were also encouraged to get maximum number of entries,

Which would get them also ‘Eco-Fabulous’ batches.

Plus participants could submit works – on anything from sustainable living to clean tech to energy conservation – from now until April 20th!

With a message that a panel of judges, would choose the winners for Earth Day (April 22nd). The judges would look for collections with deep content, thoughtful annotations and success in spreading awareness through the creative mediums.

Along with a Good luck and happy ‘Taking it up’ wish (for the Earth!).