The GDGWS Reading Challenge 2022

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The GDGWS Reading Challenge 2022 was declared open in an enthralling opening ceremony held on Friday, January 14, 2022.  This 5 week challenge is designed to get children to read more, reflect on, discuss their readings to their heart’s content and connect with other passionate readers like themselves! Director Principal, Dr. Neeta Bali welcomed the Chief Guest for the event- Dr. Ira Saxena, a Child Psychologist, Writer and Critic for Children’s books. She addressed the participants by emphasizing on “Reading is healing” ..A generation of readers can spawn a generation of thinkers and change makers. Our Chief Guest Dr. Ira Saxena then added and shared how reading and writing have always been therapeutic for her and for so many others.  The students from across 21 participating schools shared their love for reading, their favorite Indian authors and stories.  It was a delight to witness the zeal and enthusiasm of the students, We now look forward to more  upcoming exhilarating collaborations like this!