The Walk

admin News & Events

On the 19th of November, a relatively large group of IB year 1 students was taken on a trek to the Aravilis—which happen to be in the backyard. Packed with enthusiasm and excitement to keep them going, the team set off at 10 in the morning for the hills.

The dust-filled tracks leading up to the hills, opened out into the never-ending expanse of shrubs and thorn-bushes, as the team realized that the journey ahead would be quite a challenge. The rugged terrain of the hills coupled with the twisting paths running through the jutting rocks and trees, made the experience quite enjoyable.  
The activity had team-work written all over it—as all the students on the trek were working collaboratively with one another; groups of students were assigned to help with certain aspects of the trip—some in-charge of scouting the area, while others were in-charge of monitoring everyone else and making sure everyone was safe.

This activity was indeed new and somewhat unfamiliar to the team, but everyone on board managed to pull through with great ease, thus portraying a show of strength, perseverance and commitment.