Virtual Plantation Drive – GDGWS Interact Club Project

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“He that plants trees loves others beside himself”- Thomas Fuller

Our young interactors from CLS (Grade 7 and 8) believe in sustainable development and think about protecting the mother earth not only for themselves but for the future generations as well. Even during the hard times of the pandemic when we were restricted in our homes, our interactors didn’t restrain from thinking about making the earth a better place to live and what could be a better way than planting seedlings of hope. The interactors of GD Goenka World School in collaboration with an NGO “Scope for Change” ran a virtual plantation drive, wherein the interactors planted two plantlets each and took care of them. This drive was run to instil in the students the importance of plants in our life and towards cleaning the polluted environment in which we are breathing.

One who plants trees plants hope, a hope for a better cleaner and healthier earth.#plantationdrive#environment#gogreen