admin News & Events

True leaders always practice the 3R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for their actions.

The Investiture Ceremony is one of the momentous occasions when the school entrusts hope, faith and responsibility to the newly appointed cabinet. It signifies the reliance and confidence that the teachers and students consign upon them.

To inculcate the leadership qualities in the students, a school prefectorial board was formed on the basis of an online voting and the speech delivered by the nominated students for the much deserved posts.

The ceremony began with a melodious and an inspiring song – I Have a Dream – by the PYP choir. This was followed by announcing the names of the Cabinet posts. The Cabinet then took the oath read out by the PYP Head of Programme, Ms. Poonam Singh.

The Director Principal Dr. Neeta Bali inspired and motivated the elected leaders to be dutiful and responsible. She extended her heartfelt gratitude to both the students and the parents for their unstinted support during these challenging times.
