GDGWS being the Co-Host school invited students and parents to WebiFair(virtual university fair) on Saturday,21 August from 5:30-8.00 pm IST to meet with 60 global universities from 9 different countries.The purpose of this event was to create an open direct platform between the students and the participating International universities. The WebiFair encouraged the students to gain critical knowledge on where to study, what to study and how to make it happen. Students hear directly from admissions officers and evaluate the best choice for their career path ahead. They assessed what the universities had to offer by way of career choices and freely move around the platform to explore options and learn about programs, scholarships, and how to plan for college. The participating institutions were well-reputed internationally ranked universities offering considerable academic options, scholarships and admission information to students.
In addition to the virtual university fair, a special workshop was conducted on ‘How to write a good college essay’ by Ms Deepali Shah, Assistant Director of International Student Recruitment Foothill + De Anza Colleges.