World Dance Day

admin News & Events

GDGWS celebrated ‘World Dance Day’ by hosting an Inter House Dance Competiton on 10th May, 2018.

Global Celebration of Dance was created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the main partner for the performing arts of UNESCO.

The event takes place every year on 29th April, the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. The day strives to encourage participation and education in dance through events and festivals held on the date all over the world. The students of IGCSE did a splendid job by putting up a great show.

All the four houses participated with full enthusiasm and made it hard for judges to judge.

The result is as follows:

1st – SORBUS
2nd – CYCAS
3rd – NYSSA
4th – CEDRUS

The participants were from each houses were as follows :
Cedrus house:
1.Aanika 10th
2.Chehek 9th
3.Nishka 10th

1.Arnav 9th
2.Mann Maheshwari 9th

Sorbus house:
1.Youn 10th
2.Annanya 9th
3.S L ADITYA 10th

Nyssa house: 
1.Jana 10th
2.Shreya 10th