Opening Ceremony of MUN

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Day 1 of GWMUN

The day started with an order of excitement surrounding all the delegates. The opening ceremony of the inaugural GWMUN was graced with the presence of Major General G.D Bakshi and Ms. Shivani Wazir Pasrich. The lamp lighting ceremony accompanied by mellifluous intonation of Bhagavad Gita shlokas inspired the audience. The opening ceremony also showcased the divine melody of the Roohani sisters voices and a mesmerising dance performance by the students of G.D Goenka World school. The Director Principal, Dr Neeta Bali, expressed her pleasure in hosting the maiden MUN at GD Goenka which is a historic initiative, mainly student driven. She welcomed the various directors out of which seven were from abroad. She said that this MUN can be called an international event in its true sense because of the diverse concourse. She wished the participants the very best for the two days and hoped that the debating sessions of the committees would devise solutions with an intent of creating a utopian world. The delegates and directors were enriched by words of wisdom shared by the chief guest general Bakshi and guest of honour Ms. Shivani Wazir Pasrich. The guest of honour talked about electromagnetic radiation and its effects on us. She also stated that the teenagers today were the most informed and knowledgeable of all times and they must use their potential rightly.

According to the chief guest true knowledge doesn’t trigger through pedagogy, role play is the best way to teach leadership and transfer knowledge. He said that today’s generation is farther aware of the current day issues and it is through MUNs that they express their concerns and their desire to change the world. The level of knowledge and information of the current generation is astounding and he was appreciative of the variety of agendas in the various committees at GWMUN.

The committees and their agendas were as follows:

1. ECOSOC: Establishing a review of the reforms for the economic and social council.

2. United Nations General Assembly (SPECPOL): Militarization of outer space with special emphasis on PAROS and the outer space treaty of 1967.

3. United Nations General Assembly (DISEC): Emergency session on current matters in East Jerusalem.

4. United Nations Human Rights Council: Assessing the human rights conditions in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir.

5. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Combatting the South Sudanese refugee crisis.

6. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Promoting cooperation with the UN on political, cultural, economic, scientific and humanitarian matters.

7. Arab League: Discussing and reconsidering the Qatari boycott.

8. Indian Cabinet: Constant crisis committee (October 31st 1984).

9. Harry Potter: Crisis Committee, covering the Rise of the Dark Lord.

10. United Nations Security Council:

  • Situation in Baluchistan
  • Militarisation of the arctic region.

11. ASEAN: Assessing labour rights in South-East Asia.