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GD Goenka World School’s Graduation Ceremony for the batch of 2022 was held on May 21st 2022, to felicitate the hardworking outgoing  batch, as their hard work comes into fruition! The ceremony was a roaring success, as our graduands donned their caps and gowns, to bid adieu to their dear friends and teachers, about to embark into a new epoch of their lives. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed Chief Guest Dr. Harpreet A De Singh, the Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Air. Breaking the glass ceiling of Indian aviation, she is the first woman to be appointed by the government as the CEO of a scheduled passenger Indian carrier for Air India’s regional subsidiary. Scintillating cultural performances, including Indian classical Dance, Choir, School Band, and even a Piano performance captivated the audience, as our talented Goenkans showcased their myriad talents

“The only constant in life is change,” wise words from our respected Director-Principal Dr. Neeta Bali who addressed the august gathering, welcoming the chief guest and emphasizing the significance of adaptability in our ever-changing lives. She proudly commemorated the hard work of Goenkan students during the pandemic, hosting events virtually, winning competitions and accolades, and helping those in need. Dr. Bali also stressed the importance of fortitude in the face of the challenges that life throws our way, as our graduants get set to leave the safe haven of our school, and face the world head on!

The IB-DP coordinator Dr. Manisha Mehta shared her thoughts with the students, congratulating them on their tenacity throughout Covid, how they persevered through, even though they couldn’t meet face to face. “These graduating students are indeed a well-made bouquet of flowers who nurture different talents” Dr. Mehta highlighted the multifaceted interests of the graduants, their varied and stupendous accomplishments as the “unicorns of tomorrow”, and wished them well for their futures!

Every year, one student reaches the zenith of their own academic capabilities – the class Valedictorian. An esteemed honor, conferred to one precocious Goenkan every year, this year’s IB Valedictorian was Aditi Sigh, and A Level Valedictorian was Akshath Mishra. Other titles conferred included IB Girl Rajsi Sharm, IB Boy, Ashutosh Pandey, A Level Boy Shashank Singh Kataria, A Level Girl Kanishka Sammi! Congratulations all!

She believed she could, so she did” an adage that exemplifies the ethos of our honourable Chief Guest for the evening. Dr. Harpreet A De Singh, enlightened the students with her inspiring words! She invigorated the audience as she beautifully equivocated the importance of meditation to align one’s vibrations to that of the universe. She herself, being the first of Air India’s female pilots, did so on her own merit, and emphasized how her constant determination and belief in herself propelled her toward success. Dr. Singh advised graduants that the secret to a good life is to have “high IQ, EQ and PeaceQ ”.

This ceremony, over the years, has been especially significant in ensuring recognition for deserving students as well as an occasion for the students to cherish the relationship they have developed over the years with the school as an organisation. We wish all the IBDP graduates the best of luck for the future and strongly believe that they will make their alma mater proud!