How to Choose your Subjects for IGCSE?

admin Blog, IGCSE School

With international boards of education growing in popularity in the country, the number of IGCSE schools in India is growing as well. And with that, there has also been growth in the multitude of students seeking admission in these schools.

This being the case, it becomes important to discuss as to how students should be going about selecting subjects for IGCSE. However, before we begin with guidance regarding subject selection, students must first understand the structure of IGCSE.

Understanding the structure

IGCSE examinations are Standard 10th examinations conducted by several international or IGCSE schools in India. IGCSE specifically consists of 5 subject groups. Students studying in these schools are expected to select a minimum of 5 subjects to qualify for taking the exams. Students who select seven subjects stand to gain an additional qualification, known as the International Certificate of Education or ICE.

The 5 groups that students need to select their subjects from include: –

Group 1 (Languages):
  • English Language
  • English as Second Languages
  • Foreign languages-Hindi,French,German,Spanish
  • English Literature
  • Economics
  • History
  • Geography
  • Global perspectives
  • Environmental Management
Group 3 (Sciences)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Environmental Management
Group 4 (Mathematics)
  • Mathematics(without Course work)
  • Cambridge International Mathematics
Group 5 (Creative,Technical and Vocational)
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Business Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • Drama
  • Global Perspectives
Making the selection

To select the right subjects for IGCSE, students do need to give some prior thought to the process. This should not just cover the subjects at hand, but also as to what they wish to do once they have cleared Standard 10th.

Certain IGCSE board schools in India also allow their students to select extra subjects in addition to the ones mandatory. Hence, if a student wants to pursue engineering later on, they must opt for a subject combination that adds to their knowledge and makes them better prepared for the same. Many colleges and universities for engineering in India, also demand that applicants have a background in specific subjects to qualify for their entrance tests. Hence, opting for a combination of subjects like English Language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Economics, Business Studies and Hindi, would make sense. Similarly, students who wish to study medicine must include Biology in addition to other Science subjects in their combination.

There are a plethora of options available to students applying to IGCSE schools in Gurgaon or other regions of Delhi NCR, with respect to choosing subjects. However, instead of opting for subjects that seems comparatively easy, it is imperative that students bear in mind those subjects that will help them with their career choice in the future.

If a student happens to be confused regarding what career they wish to select later on, yet is clear that it will not be engineering, then it might be okay to leave core Science subjects out. However, they should be certain that doing so will not close down doors to other career options that they might have liked.