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Things to Consider When Choosing a School with Hostel Facility near Delhi

admin Blog, Boarding school

Parents across Delhi NCR have realised the benefits of sending their child to a boarding school. While sending a child to a residential school is a major decision, most parents fail at the first hurdle itself, which is how to pick the best boarding school. This problem is further compounded by the increase in the number of boarding school in Gurgaon and the surrounding areas.

The first thing that parents must ensure is whether a boarding school is right for their child; not every child is suited to a boarding environment. Here are other considerations you need to take into account when looking for the top boarding schools in Delhi NCR :

1. Philosophy of the School

Learn about the philosophy of the school and determine if it is in line with current educational scenario. You can attend open days to gain a deeper understanding of the ethos and philosophy of school from the teaching staff and the principal.

2. Current Students and Alumni

One of the best ways to find the quality of day boarding school in Gurgaon or the Delhi region is through its current crop of students and the alumni. Try interacting with students; do you like what you hear and see? Do the students conduct themselves in a manner you like? Try talking to the alumni about their experiences.

3. Care and Safety

Two of the most important aspects when looking for a residential school in Gurgaon are safety and care. Does the teaching staff promote a positive learning experience? Do the students feel supported and safe during all times? What is the school policy on bullying? These are just some of the questions you need to ask.

4. Facilities

Look at the facilities provided by the school, its size, the boarding quarters, the configuration of dormitories, etc. Opt for a school with hostel facility near Delhi that meets your expectations.

5. Curriculum

The curriculum offered by the school should be a well-rounded one. If you are looking for particular curriculum such as International Baccalaureate, IGCSE, etc. look at the websites of the top boarding schools in Delhi NCR, and find information on the curriculum the schools follow.

6. Diversity

Find out the ratio of day scholars to boarders. Also, find the ratio of international students, both day scholars and boarders. Many parents look for cultural diversity in the boarding school so that their child gets the right exposure to various cultures and people.

7. Extracurricular Activities

Find out the compulsory activities for students along with the extra ones offered. Also find out how students are “entertained” on the weekends.

While these points will help you find the best school with hostel facility near Delhi, do not forget to involve your child in the decision-making process. Talk to your child about the preferences and the expectations from a boarding school in Gurgaon. Do give heed to the child’s opinions, and you will be able to find the best residential school in Gurgaon.