child boarding school

What is the right age to send your child to a boarding school?

admin Blog

You may be wondering what the right age to send your child to boarding school is. You definitely wouldn’t want them to not be able to cope up with the environment, or the separation from home. Getting your child a hostel school is recommended between the ages of 8-13 years. However, age doesn’t always speak of preparedness. This is why we recommend you look at a few things before enrolling your child in a boarding school.

How interactive are they?


If your child loves interacting with new people and enjoys it, you can enroll them in a boarding school. However, if your child is a bit shy then they need a little more time before you enroll them.

Curiosity regarding the world

If your child is a curious one and is interested in the world, then they are ready. Constant interest in learning is a good quality that will help them excel at a boarding school. A child boarding school is adept to a very positive learning environment that helps them grow.

Enjoying challenges


A boarding school will offer several challenges and opportunities for your child to grow. But before enrolling, you need to understand whether they are keen on taking challenges or not yet. Often, children take some time to open up, and there’s nothing to worry about. A boarding school is a challenging space, and it may be overbearing for a lot of kids. This is why ensuring that they are ready is essential!

Can handle themselves and are a bit independent


A child boarding school offers an extremely independent and friendly atmosphere. Your child will get the freedom that they need. It enables them to explore their interests and what they like. Before enrolling your child, gauge if they are independent enough to stay alone at a boarding school or not. It may be very difficult for them if they are unable to cope with the atmosphere.

If you think your child is of age you can try it out. GD Goenka World School is a leading child hostel school. They also help your child by guiding them and paying very close attention to your child’s development!