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As a part of ‘Blended Learning’, Grade 6 students enjoyed composing “Clerihew Poems” during English class- the topic being “House and Home”. Sample clerihew poem was given to them and they crafted original poems on scores of topics ranging from their dearest toys to pesky playful pets. Along with that they were given an imaginary scenario about being marooned on an island and how they will use their survival skills for their “quintessential existence”: food and shelter.

 The students displayed their histrionic skills by performing a skit on stage on the topic ‘waste management at home”. In science, the students were shown the method of decomposition of organic matter like bread, cake etc.  Key Learning takeaway, for students, in this method is the process of compost making along with water and gas- which can be usefully utilized as an organic fertiliser, water as a resource and gas as a fuel.

In French, the students had fun playing Sudoku on words related to home. Likewise, in Art, pictures of Inuit tribe Paintings were shown to the young artists; with confident colorful strokes, the students prepared magnificent paintings on canvas.

Moving on with the fascination and excitement to learn more, the pupils were shown a PPT about Homes around the world; how climate affects the shelter; and Bedouin homes vs Viking homes. Putting theory to practical was a daunting task but students came up with the bright idea and made  igloos with waste materials brought from home.

 Next up, the sixth graders will soon be given a presentation on “Safe Digital footprints in Cyber space” in IT class and in Maths, the students will learn to calculate perimeter and area of a home.

 We are not done yet; there’s more fun on the way when the students will be having a Skype session with the students from other country-a country with extreme climatic conditions – to learn and exchange views about homes and varied culture.