G D Goenka World School Interact -2017 : Visit to Deepashram

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This Thursday, I had the opportunity to visit Deepashram, a home for the mentally and physically disabled in society and donate apparel, stationery and food collected by our school in the past 2 weeks as part of a project held by the interact club’17. The noble venture headed by Father Joseph, is a place where people who aren’t capable enough to earn a living are given everything they need to survive, from clothes and drugs to prayer services and recreational activities. The area has a church and open lawns for people to stay connected with nature and receive spiritual guidance, despite their illness. It was very heart-rending to see how men and women could have their lives ruined because they weren’t lucky enough to be healthy and financially well-off, and it made me realize just how many things I’ve been taking for granted. I’d also like to thank our School management , our IGCSE Programme Head Shahnaz ma’am and Jinas sir for this wonderful opportunity to count my blessings !


Vedansh Malhotra
Director of club services
GDGWS – Interact 2017