IGCSE Grade 10 Pre Board Examination Schedule Jan-Feb 2018

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The Grade 10 Preboard Examination – 2018 will be held from Tuesday 16th January 2018 to Tuesday , 6th February 2018, at the school. The examination will be held in two sessions. The Date Sheet is attached.

The pupils must report to the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the scheduled exam.

Please ensure the student has the right equipment for each examination and that it works. Pack spare pens and pencils. Borrowing of the same is not permitted in the examination hall.

Students must wear the school uniform for the examination.

The students will have to deposit their laptops/mobiles/palmtops/ electronic dictionaries with the invigilator before entering the examination hall. Failure to do this will result in confiscation of the equipment and cancellation of that paper for the student.

Question papers will be collected back from the student at the end of the examination. This is as per the IGCSE regulations.

Students who are availing of their own transport can leaveearly once their examination is over after depositing their consent form (Form A1) with the Form Tutor. Each form should be signed by the parent for all days on which examinations are scheduled for the student and mailed to the FT’s by January 10th 2018. An exit slip will be issued only if A1 form has been deposited in anticipation.

Those students who have an examination during the afternoon session are permitted to come to school before noon except for practical and oral examinations for which the students must report to the school at 8.20 am.

If your exam ends after school hours , you are requested to make your own arrangement for the transport

Early Exit Form (Grade 10) Preboard Syllabus Preboard Exam Schedule