Sweeter than honey, tastier than curd, pleasanter indeed than any happiness and joy is the company, is the power of the name of Krishna. A special assembly was conducted by PYP students on the occasion of Janmashtami, a festival which commemorates the earthly arrival of Lord Krishna. This event was marked as the celebration of the extraordinary bond between children and the Almighty. The premise was decorated beautifully and the spirit of festivity was enhanced with jhankis and nritya natika depicting the life of Lord Krishna. This was followed by the
Dahi Handi event. Students showcased the IBPYP Learner profile of being risk takers and energetically performed the dahi handi event by making a human pyramid and breaking the earthen pot. The assembly concluded with a message on the significance of Janmashtami as a festival which encourages goodwill and togetherness.