MUN Journey of Aekus Kamboj of GD Goenka World School

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As Aekus completes her first year in IB, she concludes a successful year in her her Model United Nations career. Started as a local MUN delegate in one of the GD Goenka branches four years back, she touched the peek of her career earlier this year.

She was the Chairperson to Barcelona Model United Nation’17 hosted by Esade University in April 2017.

Following the same, she was invited by the the Hong Kong University as Director of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for Asia-Pacific Model United Nations’2017. She was recognized and rewarded the ‘Best Chairperson of The Year Award’.

Later, she was invited as an International Moderater to the youth Thinker’s Society of Bangladesh for the Historical United Nations Humanitarian Commision for Refugees (discussing 1971).

Further on she was the Director of the United Nations Securit Council at 5th edition of Yogyarta International Model United Nations hoested by the University of Gadjah Mada.

Further she has been invited by the Paris International Model United Nations and the Barcelona Model United Nations as the International Observer and Moderator.