Opening Vistas for Unparalleled Opportunities at GD Goenka World School through IBO Accredited Programmes

admin Blog, IB School

A pioneer IB School established in 2003 running IB Programme successfully since 2005, GDGWS takes the onus of laying foundation and preparing enterprising students as global citizens. The steady growth from 16 students in 2006 to 236 in 2018 the school has witnessed children graduating with flying colours. With a number of IB schools coming up lately in India and soaring numbers specifically in the NCR, we still maintain our position among the topmost schools and take pride in stating that our school has been accredited with various International School Awards in the year 2018.

The sky is the limit, if one knows how to recognize the opportunities. IBDP curriculum imbibes skills and strengths which groom the pupils as global citizens who can successfully identify and attain goals. Students are groomed to become leaders in their lives with discipline and integrity. GDGWS is driven by passion for excellence in education and here the traits of IB, tolerance, compassion, self-awareness, open-mindedness and the like, get embedded with a variety of activities children have to do as a part of their academic life. Students graduate with flying colors to tapping their potential to the utmost. We take pride in quoting the placements of our alumni in National as well as International Universities like University of Pennsylvania, University of California at Berkeley, University of Bradford, Hong Kong, Toronto, Sheffield, Boston, Urbana Champaign, British Columbia, and Glasgow are examples of renowned universities which have opened doors for our budding aspirants. Miranda House, Narsee Monjee, Gargi College, St Stephen’s, JMC, SRCC, DTU, GD Goenka and Ashoka University in India have accepted our students as all universities in India readily acknowledge IB scores for admissions.

We offer young and aspiring students’ academic engagement with international standards. The enriching IBDP curriculum stimulates academic freedom and practical study. Thoughtfully designed classes and close mentorship by the faculty nurtures an academically vibrant community at GDGWS. Equipping children to thrive as global citizens in the 21st century, we offer an integrated activities program that develops their skills and knowledge, reinforces positive attitudes and provides a platform for them to discover their abilities and explore areas of special interests. Each sporting arena provides an opportunity to build character, develop leadership qualities, collaborate in teams, forge friendships and understand true sportsmanship. Fitness, integrated into the daily curriculum, is an integral part of the holistic education on which GDGWS prides itself.