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Boarding School Blogs

Top Residential Boarding Schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, India

GD Goenka World School is among the top residential schools in India, and is also a day boarding school. The School campus is designed to provide residing scholars with privacy and independence as well as a chance to be a part of a vibrant multi-cultural community, represented by students from all over the country and the world, who have chosen to call this beautiful and serene campus their home.
But it is not just the verdant campus of GD Goenka World School that enraptures the students. It is a host of other benefits and facilities available to the boarders that makes it one of the best boarding schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, India.

The GD Goenka World School is ideally located, with the center of Gurgaon just a 30 minutes’ drive. In fact, an hour’s drive from the school will take you to the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, making the location a highly preferred one for boarding schools near Delhi NCR. Conveniently accessible from the Millennium City, the GDGWS offers a fully air-conditioned boarding facility, away from the noise and pollution of the city, with wide open lush green spaces and multiple playing fields. Boarders at the school enjoy the benefits of zero-travel time in comfortable and cared-for surroundings. These boarding facilities, in fact, are not only enjoyed by international and out-of-station students but also by many local students who opt to become weekly-boarders or day boarders. All this makes GD Goenka World School preferred choice for those looking for a school with hostel facility near Delhi, as well as a day boarding school.

The boarding houses are located at the heart of the school, within a short walking distance of the main school building, the playing fields, the fitness center and the central dining-hall. The school campus offers the most comfortable environment with fully air-conditioned boarding facilities, making it one of the best boarding schools in India. The boarding houses have rooms that can accommodate up to 8 students. The rooms are designed keeping the aesthetics in mind with parquet flooring, large windows, cheerful upholstery and individual cupboards. Children residing in the same room share an attached washroom, with shower and toilet facilities. The school has separate boarding houses for boys and girls with identical infrastructure, which helps put the school on the list of the best boarding schools near Delhi NCR.

Equipped with dedicated study tables, a TV for entertainment purposes and a refrigerator, the common rooms provide a relaxed environment to students to unwind. A common room is shared between two rooms. In addition to the mentioned facilities, all common rooms are equipped with network ports and high-speed internet access, something not always seen in most boarding schools around Delhi.
Another aspect that makes GD Goenka World School more preferred among the best boarding schools in Delhi NCR is that it is home to students of different nationalities, backgrounds and faiths, and to provide them with a place where they can worship in peace and tranquility, the boys and girls sections of the boarding complex have a prayer room.

In line with practices adopted by best residential schools in India, each floor of the boarding complex has House-parents who provide support and personalized attention to each student and help maintain discipline. To ensure that each student gets the attention it deserves, each house-parent’s top priority is to know the children individually. Also, house-parents regularly inspect the dorm rooms, study units and common-room areas, to ensure each child maintains neatness and personal hygiene. Very importantly, house-parents provide a nurturing environment for children, and work closely with children that need extra support. They also keep in touch with parents via email or telephonically, providing regular updates about their children’s welfare. To help house-parents carry out their duties, they are ably supported by a medical and a housekeeping team.

Meals & Dining:
The dining hall at this boarding school in NCR is situated within walking distance of boarding houses. The dining hall is a centrally air-conditioned double-storey building; spread over 13,000 sq. ft. with a seating capacity for approximately 1000 students. The hall has bright décor and welcoming ambience and serves breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The dinner hall acts as unifying force with students from different background mingling freely as they partake food together while catching-up with friends and news

Medicare, Safety & Security:
- Medical Care
In order to provide the best primary medical care to the students an infirmary is located in each of the two sections of the boarding houses. The school infirmary is open 24×7 and has fully equipped ambulance on call. For all medical emergencies, the school has tied-up with Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon, again adding to the features that help make it one best boarding school in Delhi NCR.
- Safety and Security
In order to keep students safe, the residential boarding school in Gurgaon has 24×7 security with guards stationed at the front and rear gates and in front of all buildings. The guards also regularly patrol the campus. To protect students from any untoward harm due to fire and such accidents, the school has installed fire sprinklers, alarms, smoke detectors at a regular interval which are routinely inspected. All restricted area/zones have controlled access for entry and exit, based on the smart contactless card and reader system. The school has put in place protocols for different scenarios and drills to deal with specific scenarios are also conducted regularly, which is why the school is also a great contender in being among the safest boarding schools in Delhi, India.

GD Goenka World School campus is Wi-Fi enabled with hi-speed lease line connectivity. This allows students to video call, use their cell phones for certain hours, and receive calls from their parents on the phone extensions in each dorm room.
After-school Sports Programme:
Like all top residential schools in India, GD Goenka World School has numerous playing fields and sporting facilities at the disposal of the students. Students can choose to be coached in a sport of their choice, visit the fitness center or simply indulge in a friendly game of football or basketball with their friends. All the sporting facilities can be accessed for a dedicated time each day.

Each of the common rooms at this boarding school in NCR has individual study units for private study. Children can also access the classrooms in the main building during evening study.
The campus has a convenience store that is well-stocked with a wide range of quality Indian and foreign products. It is compulsory for the students to be accompanied by a house-parent if they intend to make any purchases from the store.

The School, besides offering a variety of indoor games including table-tennis, squash, billiards and foosball, has a well-equipped gym at the fitness center with a separate are for cardio. There is also a spa and salon. It is not uncommon to find students relaxing over a game foosball or billiards on the weekends while others enjoy the spa.

Spa: Steam & Sauna
The Spa at the campus is connected to the swimming pool area, and has a separate section for the boys and girls respectively. Each of the sections can accommodate 60 students at a time. The spa has four sauna rooms, four steam rooms and five showers in each section.
To allow the boarders the convenience and luxury of personal grooming on campus, the school has a hair and skin care salon. It is equipped with 10 full hydraulic barber chairs, 2 manicure tables, 2 hydrotherapy pedicure tubs, 2 Styling stations/cabins, 2 shampoo chairs with automatic neck and back massage and 2 Massage and Treatment Rooms. All the equipment is acquired from Takara Belmont, France and Lemi, Italy.
To make sure that the boarders are able to keep up their physical activities and to help them enhance their fitness levels, the campus also has a Cross-Fit gym at the fitness center.
The life-skill of living independently:
The boarding experience at GD Goenka World School, one of the best residential schools in India, provides students the opportunity to develop life-skill needed for living independently. The environment at GD Goenka World School encourages students to grow into independent and self-reliant individuals. Bound by the boarding experience at this top residential school in India, students emerge well-equipped to face the many challenges and demands of life after school.